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Code of Conduct
All OurTutor participants must abide by our Code of Conduct, both online and on-call and/or at related OurTutor events.
In order to create an open and welcoming environment, we are committed to making participation in our programs and community a harassment-free experience regardless of age, size, disability, race, gender identity and expression, experience level, nationality, personal appearance, ethnicity, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
Examples of behaviors that contribute to creating a positive environment include.
Using welcoming and inclusive language
Respect for diverse perspectives and experiences
Accept constructive criticism with grace
Use pronouns that people prefer to be called by, and use gender-neutral pronouns when they are unsure.
Examples of unacceptable behavior for participants include.
Bullying, insulting/defamatory comments, public or private harassment
Release of personal information about another person, such as a physical address or email address, without express permission
Failure to follow reasonable communication restrictions, such as "leave me alone," "go away," or "I'm not going to discuss this with you"
Use of sexual language or images and unwelcome sexual attention or teasing
Cursing, using strong language or destructive language
Display graphics or any other content that you know could be considered offensive
Initiate and/or engage in political controversy
Assume or promote any form of inequality, including but not limited to: age, size, disability, race, gender identity and expression, national and ethnic origin, personal appearance, religious or sexual identity, and sexual orientation
Any form of drug promotion
Attacks on personal taste
Others you know may reasonably consider inappropriate behavior in a professional setting.
可以通過發送電子郵件至 to report violations. All reports will be reviewed and investigated, and responses will be deemed necessary and appropriate for the particular situation. More detailed information regarding specific enforcement policies may be released separately.
We have the right and responsibility to remove comments or other contributions that are inconsistent with our Code, or to prohibit, temporarily or permanently, any other conduct that a member deems inappropriate, threatening, offensive or harmful.

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